As a business owner, you’re continually learning about how to improve your business. You have to consider what the market is like, how to reach more potential customers, and even how to fulfill orders. With so many companies turning to online orders to increase their revenue, you may also be thinking about doing the same thing. If you can relate, then here are 3 mistakes that you should avoid.
Not Considering Potential Threats to Your Products
This is a huge mistake that many business owners have to learn the hard way. During transit, packages will face many potential threats, so it’s important to identify what factors could affect your specific item. For instance, if you’re shipping coffee, humidity is your biggest threat, as it can cause mold and affect the texture of the coffee. On the other hand, electronics can be damaged by both water and electrostatic discharge.
Not Using Protective Packaging
Protective packaging uses various packaging materials in order to protect packages from damage during transportation and storage, making it a crucial factor in successfully shipping products to your clients. After you identify how your products can be damaged, then you can better understand what type of protective packaging you should use.
Not Using a Warning Label
No matter what product you’re shipping, all packages can benefit from using a warning label on the outside of the package. These labels provide the warning message necessary to complete your protective packaging. Some of the common warning labels include: fragile, caution: electrostatic sensitive devices, handle with care, and more.
To learn more about protective packaging and how to successfully fulfill online orders, contact us at Edco Supply Corporation.