Many of us can’t wait for the holiday season to come. This is because for many of us, this is the only time of the year that we are able to see our family. Unfortunately, not all of us are able to go home for the holidays. More specifically, we’re referring to the soldiers that are abroad. Since not all of them can go home for the holidays, many of them try to make the best out of their time abroad. That being said, a care package could be the perfect thing to make our soldiers feel appreciated this holiday season.
If you’ve never sent a care package, you’re probably not sure what you should include in your package. To start, it never hurts to include self-care products. This includes deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, a toothbrush, hand sanitizer, and anything else that they can use. Although we take these things for granted, they’ll be appreciated abroad.
In addition, it’s not a bad idea to include little activities that they can do. This doesn’t have to be anything huge, but something that can be easily shipped and stored once it gets there. For instance, a deck of cards, a board game, or even a puzzle. This will give them something to do with their friends in their free time.
Last, but definitely not least, don’t forget to include sweet treats. One of the best things about the holidays, other than being with family, is all of the amazing food that you’re able to eat. Although you won’t be able to send the whole Christmas spread, you can send some holiday treats. If you have the time, you should consider including some homemade cookies as well.
When you have your package ready, there’s one last thing that you have to take into consideration. Since you’re sending fragile items, you’ll need to use protective packaging to maintain the condition of the products. The most crucial packaging that you’ll need is desiccant packs. Desiccant packs absorb the moisture in the air, therefore protecting your edible items from forming mold.
At Edco Supply Corporation, we have a large line of protective packaging. If you need help choosing the right packaging for your care package, you should contact our customer service representatives.